Even though the kitchen is sometimes thought of as a very traditional space, the truth is the room where we prepare food is really a hot bed of innovation. Thinking back just over the course of your life, how many different strange small appliances have you seen come and go? Trends play a role, of course – no one really seemed to need all those square hardboiled eggs after all – but technology also changes. Microwaves have gotten smaller while ranges are getting big again. That’s just an example, but there’s a lot to think about when you start planning your kitchen remodel.
For example, think about kitchen storage. If this is your first time building a home or doing a renovation, you may have never even had a chance to experience what it’s like to plan out your storage. You’ve just always had to make do with what was already in place. One of the advantages of working with a professional kitchen designer on your Weston kitchen renovation is you’ll have someone who can truly walk you through the different ways of figuring out your storage needs. Let’s say you’re an Instapot person – your ideal storage solution means your meals-in-minutes-magic-machine is within easy reach without cluttering up the countertops.
Another advantage of working with a professional kitchen designer is they can walk you through what it’s really like to actually live with some design trends in real life. A great example: the farmhouse sink, a look that comes and goes. You’ll know a great kitchen designer because they won’t be pro or anti farmhouse sink for you until they’ve learned more about who you are as a person and what your lifestyle is like. Deep spacious sinks are great for people who do a lot of cooking of large meals, involving prepping massive quantities of ingredients , needing large pots and serving platters that of course must be cleaned up after. If that’s you and you love the look, a farmhouse sink is great. If you don’t live that way, the sink might not work for you – or, on the other hand, it might be exactly the right size to stand your houseplants in for their weekly shower.