“I’ve read all of these kitchen design articles, and I’ve got to tell you, to me they all sound the same.” David shook his head. “I don’t want a kitchen that’s contemporary. I don’t want a kitchen that’s charming. I want a kitchen that’s fun. I live here. I want to enjoy being home.”
What makes a kitchen fun?
While every person’s individual definition of fun is of course unique, as kitchen contractors in Needham, we can say that the homeowners who specifically look for a fun kitchen tend to want three criteria fulfilled:
- Lots of bright colors. Whether this is a monochrome single vivid hue or an eye popping festival of patterns and color, the fun kitchen is unabashedly colorful. Your kitchen designer can help you find an approach to color that makes your heart happy. There are so many opportunities to use color in your kitchen, including wall treatments, flooring, cabinetry, linens and more.
- It’s Easy to Make and Enjoy Food. Superior functionality is the hallmark of the well-built fun kitchen. Prep areas that allow everyone to participate in cooking, smart work flow planning, and easy clean surfaces are must-haves. Also super nice: specialized storage for the special gear and appliances that can make cooking fun but don’t get used all of the time. Easy access is the key to using the stuff that makes your life fun. Kitchens can be designed for joy.
- A Theme. Here’s where the very individual nature of fun intersects with kitchen design. Whether you’re a Red Sox fan who enjoys making ball park hot dogs at home or the idea of a circus themed kitchen replete with a juggling monkey chandelier is more your thing, the best kitchen contractors in Needham can help you make it happen.
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