I was on vacation the first two weeks of July and digging out the last two! That said, I’d like to take moment to say that the Masters Touch team is the best that it has ever been. The office team, sales team, designers, and especially the craftsmen in he field are all exceptional.
Our customer satisfaction rating continues to hover at the 97% rate. Repeat customers and referrals to their friends, family, and co-workers make up 70% of our sales. We have the biggest back log of business that we’ve had in many years.
We are not going to sit back and rest, however, because there is always room for growth and improvement. That includes personal growth for every member of the team and daily improvements to each and every one of our systems.
Fall is just around the corner. That’s the time of year when the air starts to become crisp and refreshing, and the time of year to redouble your efforts toward hard work and improvement. Oh, and of course, football starts!
Enjoy the rest of your summer!