“I’ve always loved how Martha Stewart makes everything look perfect,” Denise said. “But I don’t have her budget or assistants. How can I use kitchen design to bridge the gap between the look I want and the life I have?”
As a Hingham kitchen designer, we can say that there’s lots of local enthusiasm for the easy, elegant style Martha Stewart promotes. It’s much easier to achieve if your kitchen design includes certain key elements, which are outlined below:
Great Windows for Natural Light
A big part of the easy, elegant aesthetic is making the most of natural daylight. Martha’s go-to strategies include having gorgeous curtains and vibrant houseplants to add beauty to the kitchen. Whether you’re having a kitchen addition built or you’re renovating your existing kitchen, talk to your contractor about what size, number, and location of windows will best help you achieve your goal of having a bright, airy kitchen.
Pro-tip: Let your Hingham kitchen contractor know you’re interested in sustainable kitchen design. Window selection is a great opportunity to conserve energy and keep heating costs down.
Smart Storage for Busy Families
Another appealing aspect of Martha Stewart’s design aesthetic is the lack of clutter. It’s hard to feel that easy and elegant vibe when you have stuff spilling out of cabinets and covering the countertops. To remedy this, have your kitchen contractor provide you with smart storage solutions. These run the gamut from large – such as having a pantry built – to small, bespoke elements such as refrigerated drawers, appliance garages, and more. The ultimate goal is to have a place for everything, so it’s effortless to stay organized.
Display Opportunities for Art & Favorite Things
Finally, the key to many of Martha Stewart’s beautiful scenes is her displays of dishes, cookware, and objects she finds beautiful. The role of the kitchen designer is to make sure you have easy to use display opportunities. These can include shelving, display cases, deep windowsills, and other elements to serve as display platforms or stages. Additionally, because cookware display is a large part of this look, it’s great to have your kitchen contractor pay special attention to pan and glassware racks.