Blame it on Bridgerton, perhaps. The Regency-era drama has legions of fans luxuriating in the beautiful homes and decor of a time when Friday casual wasn’t a thing. If you love the look and would like to have your own version of it in your new kitchen, here are some things to keep in mind:
They Don’t Have to Be Your Family’s Heirlooms to Look Great
The one of a kind grand table or crystal chandelier that makes the room fantastic doesn’t need to have been part of your family’s holdings since the 1600’s. Instead, do what kitchen designers and interior design experts do: find your favorite new treasures in antique stores. Then give them starring roles in your new kitchen design.
Materials to look for include china, crystal, wood, aged brass.
Choose a Warm Shade of Your Boldest Colors
Bold color can certainly convey a formal feel in a room, but for that stately, legacy take choose a warm shades in your desired color palette. The cool grays, blues, and neutrals of the past decade are giving way to more embracing, darker shades, including greens, blues, browns and blacks.
Dress Your Windows with Intentionality
Window dressing in the formal kitchen is there to make a statement. This is where color choice is critical and details really matter. When you’re working with your kitchen designer, this is one point where you’ll really be talking through what formal means to you. You can opt for very modern design here, with clean lines and minimal embellishment, as one example, or go the lush, baroque traditional route with your window treatments. The best choice will help elevate and sustain the look of the entire room, in harmony with what you’ve chosen for your wall color, cabinetry, countertop and more.
Need help making it happen? If you have the big picture idea of what you’d like your new kitchen to look like but don’t know how to make it happen, get in touch with your local kitchen designer. They’re the pros who can guide you through the process, from planning to construction and beyond.