When you think about a new kitchen, it’s easy to get caught up in how beautiful your home will be and how much your family will enjoy the new space. But there are some really practical benefits that come with having a kitchen designed specifically for your family’s needs. For example, if you’re interested in saving money and eating healthier, you’ll want to keep reading for three ways a new kitchen can make your life better.
#1: Save Money with Smart Kitchen Design: The Food Part
Ready for a shocking statistic? The average American family wastes more than 30 percent of the food they buy. Now, I don’t know if you’ve noticed prices at the grocery store lately, but they’re not going down. Why do people waste food? The reason is often that due to poor kitchen design, appliance selection, and storage solutions, many family cooks aren’t fully aware of what food they have on hand. When perishable food isn’t noticed, it goes bad and has to be thrown away. Smart kitchen design fixes this problem. This is a serious savings opportunity, as the cost of all that wasted food averages out to more than $1,800 a year.
#2: Save Money with Smart Kitchen Design: The Energy & Home Heating Part
One of the best parts of upgrading the kitchen is replacing old, inefficient appliances that are bad for the environment and your budget with better technology. Today’s smart appliances are capable of things like regulating hot water usage to the specific degree necessary to do the job and no more – this doesn’t sound like a big deal but over the course of time makes a significant reduction in the household’s energy consumption rates.
Also, and this part is interesting if you’re trying to keep home heating costs under control: your new kitchen can be designed and built as a highly energy efficient space. Having the right windows means you can have the open, airy kitchen of your dreams without spending a fortune to keep it warm. That’s an important consideration in Massachusetts.
#3: Save Money with Smart Kitchen Design: The Healthy Eating Part
While individual family’s habits differ a lot, on average, Americans eat out between four and seven times a week. A lot of people look at that number and say No, that’s not possible – but this total includes things like stopping for coffee on the way to work or a drive through sandwich, events that add up quicker than you think.
And the fact is that the food we grab when we’re on the go isn’t always the healthiest stuff. It’s certainly not the most affordable option – with the latest price increase, the average Starbucks beverage costs $2.75. When the conversation about building the kitchen for the lifestyle you want to have, that includes customizations like designing the space where it’s convenient and easy to brew your morning beverage exactly the way you like it.