Lots of times, when you see an article asking is it time for a kitchen remodel, the focus of the text is on the age and condition of your current condition. These are important criteria to consider, but as experienced kitchen contractors, we’ve found that it’s also important for homeowners to consider the timing of home renovations carefully.
Here are 4 Signs Your Household is Ready for a Kitchen Remodel
Sign #1: Life is free from extremely stressful events.
A kitchen remodel demands a certain amount of time and energy from the homeowner. This energy can be in short supply if you’re dealing with a lot of stress. Examples of major stresses include health issues, family concerns, job upheavals, and anything else that consumes your energy in an overwhelming way. If you know your plate is already full dealing with what you’re handling, let your renovation plans stay in the dreaming and planning stage for a while. You’ll enjoy the kitchen remodel process a lot more when the major stressful events have been resolved.
Sign #2: All of the family decision makers are in agreement that the kitchen remodel should happen.
While it’s natural to have some differences of opinion arise during the kitchen design process, everything does tend to go faster and with more satisfying results if the family decision makers are on board with making the project happen. A kitchen renovation is a significant upgrade that adds a lot of value to your home. Good kitchen design makes it easier for everyone to enjoy using the kitchen while reducing your household energy costs and carbon footprint. These two points can help solidify a household’s commitment to upgrading the kitchen.
Sign #3: You know why you want to upgrade the kitchen.
There are so many reasons why people choose to upgrade their kitchen. It may be that the old kitchen reminds you of your Mother-in-Law too much. It may be that the old kitchen doesn’t lend itself to your attempts at Great British Baking Show desserts. It may be that you want a bunch of windows looking at your beautiful back yard and none looking at your annoying neighbor’s house. No one says you ever have to tell anyone what your reasons are! But knowing what those reasons are, and how happy you’ll be when changes are made, means you’re ready for a kitchen remodel.
Sign #4: You’re aware of changing household needs.
Whether it’s the arrival of a new baby, having adult children or parents move in, or the fact some family members are getting older, knowing that what the household needs from a kitchen is changing is a clear sign it’s time to start the home renovation process.