Despite the fact that the bathroom is one of the busiest rooms in the house, it’s among the last to be renovated or upgraded. “I don’t know why we waited so long to take this project on,” Thom said. The Dover father of three explained, “but now I’m so glad we did. Not only does the new bathroom look and smell much better, but we’re saving money on our utility bills.”
Drawing from Thom’s experience, here are three signs it’s time for a new bathroom:
Time to Upgrade the Bathroom Sign #1: The Bathroom is in Rough Shape
Busy, active families are hard on bathrooms. Small damages, dings, wear and tear can all go unnoticed for some time – but these issues do accumulate. It’s only when viewing your bathroom with fresh eyes – the way a surprise visitor or potential homebuyer would – that you may notice the true condition of your bathroom.
To assess the condition of your bathroom, consider the fixtures, flooring, lighting, wall treatments, windows, window treatments, doors, storage and cabinetry. Does everything look the way you’d like it to? Does the aesthetic and vibe suit your family’s current needs? If you’re not happy with the way your bathroom looks, especially if some elements are in need of replacing or repair, it’s time to upgrade the bathroom.
Time to Upgrade the Bathroom Sign #2: Plumbing Problems
As Thom mentioned, his new bathroom smells better. This is because older bathrooms can have plumbing problems that contribute to a bad smell. When drains have been in place for ten, twenty, thirty or more years, with only sporadic cleanings, odors happen. Having your Dover contractor renovate the bathroom to include new upgraded toilet, shower, sink, and other plumbing features can eliminate any lingering frustrations and bad smells.
Time to Upgrade the Bathroom Sign #3: You Want a More Energy Efficient Home
Bathroom technology has advanced significantly, which means you can save money by upgrading to fixtures that heat and use water and energy more efficiently. Additionally, renovating the bathroom is a good opportunity to upgrade to much more energy efficient replacement windows.