Interior Painting
Since 1997, Masters Touch has been the best team of professional interior house painters in Massachusetts. If you are looking for a local painting contractor that delivers consistently high quality interior house painting and provides service that is the standard of the industry, look no further.
Our experienced professional painters average over 15 years on the job, with an average tenure at Masters Touch currently standing at 8 years.
Masters Touch painters specialize in the following interior painting and decorating jobs:
- Interior Painting – Individual Rooms & Full House
- Prepare and Paint Stained Woodwork and Trim
- Antique Home Restoration
- Water Damage Repair and Painting
- Kitchen Cabinet Painting
- Faux Finishes
Each interior paint job is carefully assessed by our painting experts Doug Masters, Perry Becker, and Nancy Werneken. Together they bring over 80 years of interior painting and color consulting experience, so you can rest assured you are in good hands when it comes your painting ideas. Our design team will help you select wall paint, trim paint, and recommend the best quality paints for your home.
Contact us now and you’ll get these benefits with your interior painting work:
- Premium Quality Interior Painting.
- Fully Insured.
- Lead Certified.
- 5 Year written, transferable painting warranty.
- Painters you can trust in your home and around your family.
- Hundreds of great references (raving fans and we want you to be one too!).
- Our commitment to build trust with each and every client.
Call 508-359-5900 now or click HERE to arrange a consultation to discuss your interior painting needs.